The Systemic Way

The Mother & Daughter Puzzle - Attachment, history mapping and the impact of societal and generational stories: In conversation with Rosjke Hasseldine

Sezer and Julie Season 4 Episode 12

In this episode we discuss the mother and daughter relationship with Rosjke Hasseldine. Rosjke has spent almost 30 years working therapeutically with mothers and daughters and researching the factors that contribute to the complexity of this relationship. 

Rosjke has trained over1000 therapists and coaches from 20 different countries in her   Mother-Daughter Attachment training.

In this conversation, Rosjke  some of her experiences, therapeutic interventions and the model she has developed (the mother and daughter attachment model) which is a very important contribution to this often ignored area of clinical research. 

Find out more about Rosjke;'s work at