Climate Action News

One-on-one with Ingmar Rentzhog Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome to Climate Action News one on one in this new version. My name is Carina Jansson Rolfsdotter and I am the host. And today we have a very special guest. It is the founder and the CEO of we don't have time, Ingmar Rentzhog and in this new series we will focus on partners and investors supporting we don't have time Meet Ingmar Rentzhog a serial entrepreneur and computer geek from northern Sweden that decided to dedicate his life to the climate crisis when he became a father himself. At the University, Rentzhog enrolled in Mathematics and Computer Science, and before he was finished, he started his first company. After a couple of years, the company came to be one of the fastest growing and most profitable financial communication firms in the Nordics, with global customers such as large investment banks, leading asset managers, and many more. After 13 years in the financial industry, Ingmar decided to use his skills to contribute towards solving the climate crisis and founded we don't have time. Today he is a member of Al Gore's Climate Reality European Task Force, and named official eco warrior according to the sun, as well as Mark Zuckerberg. According to brands, TV 2. In just three years, he and his team has built the largest social network for climate action in the world. We don't have time connects everyone who wants to act on the climate crisis. by teaming up with Twitter and the UN, the network is already reaching millions around the globe. Hi, Ingmar. But, you know, before we start, we need to let the viewers know that might not know already, what is we don't have time all about. Hi, Catarina. Hi. What we don't have time is all about is helped the world speed up change in order to solve the climate crisis. And we are doing that by social networks. So we have built a social network focused on climate action, where everyone in the world can connect with each other, cooperate and have a dialogue with our leaders. So on our platform, our members can give reviews to corporations to organisations to governments and public figures, and tell them if they doing something good or bad for the climate? And they will answer because that is something our team will make sure that they will answer and so far we have had answer from everything from precedents to small startups and everything there between so the dialogue really, really works. And I think it's something very important to have a dialogue. In order to solve the climate crisis. We must listen to each other and we must change and we don't have time to wait. Absolutely. So email. The reason we're doing this new series is you had a second round of well, new round of finding money to support this fantastic network, has it been easy to find money to people to invest in climate action? No, it hasn't been easy. Actually. In three months period, we had over 1000 investor meetings, that's a lot of meetings. Most people actually turn us down. So there's, it's actually not true that it's a lot of green money out there. Because most money, even if it's called Green, money's still going in the same direction to the companies that already exists. More or less going into the business as usual concept. If you're having a new company working for a solution that is very needed in the near future, that is take more time that you need to have a longer time perspective. And most investors don't have that perspective. And they don't have that they think, unfortunately, the divorce will work the same in the future as now. And that's not true. But but we have underway succeeded to actually find the right investors. And when you find the people that understand on a real high level people, this is a difference depending on what level you try to reach level, I mean your intellectual capacity, but it often is connected with what you have done previously. So when you find people that have done amazing things previously, they get they get it they know that the future will mean so much change and they are investing in us not because of what we're doing today. But because the role we will play in the future economic. We will be the rating platform for all businesses in the ward and help them that are doing good government action to actually blossom Those that are not doing good action will will have to struggle. We need to make it really profitable to do the right thing. So the investors we have brought on us they understand that they're also going to help us achieve it. And that's what I'm so thankful for. So how much money did you get in this round? And could you also tell us give us a few names of some major investors? Yes, we actually we wanted to have two and a half million dollar and we succeeded to gain$3 million actually subscribed a little bit, and they invest investors that has invested in us in this round is truly incredible people. I will subtly highlight Marco Raj, Nick, investor guru with a new one at fork. That was one of the first investors believing us this round. But we also have some real experience finance people, like yawns, the wildberry that is at a lot. private equity firm, now found a real impact on impact farm was a guest in our previous series on on impact investment, so he's supporting us, but we also have people like this one Swedish ex finance minister per new there is joining us. We have Fabrice grinda. Number one angel investor in the board. He has tremendous knowledge about tech and also climate. We will have an on our next next episode on this in this new series Kumba. Also Alexandre of York, Nick, Sherman, oriflame, etc. I could go on, we have so many great investors joining us and I'm so happy. I'm thrilled about that. And forward thinking people that have gotten the concept of business, as usual is not going to work. Yes, they're investing hours not because what we do today, but the role they will play in a future society, we must have a platform out there that will give all businesses and leaders that are doing the right thing, the credit for it. So it will be more profitable to do the right thing. And it's so it should be super expensive to do the wrong thing. anymore. Next To You. Here we see this screen where your Could you please show us how the platform works for corporations and also for the United Nations, which is partnering up with with we don't have time. Yes. So we are actually working together with businesses and organisations have sought to unite the nation and help them to have a climate dialogue on our platform. Man, the man in businesses and organisation warms this dialogue up and they want to know what they can improve for the climate and how they can be better. And they are using our platform in order to communicate the progress and have this stakeholder dialogue with all users and their own stakeholders such as their customers and employees. The way this work, and I'm gonna show you, please. So you will find our app on your phone, App Store or Google Play. Or if you go to, we don't have And it's free to sign up. Everyone is welcome that wants to solve the climate crisis and vark together like minded people from all over the world. What you will find on our app is something that looks very similar to other social media, you will find a newsfeed but what is different is that everything here is about the climate environment. And I'm just going to show you a little bit some some of the content you will find on our platform. This is actually a post from one of our users that have made a test between LinkedIn. And we don't have time, test us and he wants to see where he gets the most impact. He shared the same post on LinkedIn for his overtops and followers that are working with renewal gamegear. On the we don't have time platform, and according to him 12 to one better engagement on Windows time platform. So this is a really, really great score. I was really nice surprised to see this post. And it is all about engagement. It's all about engagement. Because the more people that are engaged in the climate, the more people cares about the climate and will do things and also the decision makers, of course, will care. Yeah, we have about half of our members are actually people working on incorporation and in government's professional for the climate's a day are joining forces with the people that also wants to do something but maybe not have the platform today. They kill us that we don't have time and suddenly they have a platform that were to kill have this dialogue going on. Here's another example. We're actually United Nation as you mentioned. or using, they are actually sharing and encouraging all their followers to join the real time platform and engaged in the climate dialogue, where they can have it with them and all the other companies and organisations out there. That's truly amazing. And actually, one thing that difference our social network platform from others, or that we are operated by 100% renewable energy. So that is also something that is awesome. Everyone should do that. It's not of course, it's not, it's absolutely achievable. The way your platform works, is that you have this revenue system where members that think, a business or a leader or organisation that are doing something bad for the climate, they could give a climate review, a warning. But they could also give a climate love, if they're doing something great or climate ID if they doing if they have an ID, and if there was something in a different way. And this is an example, where Leo Alexander has created a climate warning to the Swedish police, because they are still buying for silly cars. And there's a lot of electric opponents out there. Sure. And the way this works is that when enough people agrees on something, in this case, 200 people that we don't have time team will contact the Swedish police and ask them to engage in a dialogue. And here you have a quite interesting and for a very long answer about why it's difficult for the Swedish police to to use electric cars today. And what they are doing instead they are using biofuel, etc, etc. So they're actually doing some, some not as great as electric cars, but they are taking this issue very seriously. And you will come see this conversation continue on the we don't have time platform between the organisation to police organisation and our members. As you can see here, this is not a conversation in Swedish. This is actually a conversation in English because more people can join. outing here. Exactly. And we have a lot of other people and working with police force with other counters that actually use selected calls today that can loan Swiss police officers. And vice versa. Those that might be hesitant, they can read the arguments from the from from the other countries. So that's excellent. Exactly. So yes, some more examples of how this works. We also have not just organisation but also countries president your boss, Nora has answered a climate will wanting to talk from people agrees to this some Brazilian President? Yes. And you can see a long answer here. They're actually saying that, why are you criticising us they are voting for y'all to accomplish this or worse than us in the world. I don't know. But here's another climate loved Norway and the Norwegian climate minister answering and telling a little bit of what to do, and more ways to forge comfort in the void where they actually have gone 50% Electric cause you're also a business leader like Jeff Bezos, Amazon thanking for an ID created on the platform, their business development or looking into this ID. But most importantly, you will find so many solutions on our platform, here's what we need. Yeah, exactly 70% of all the reviews on the weaning time platform 7070 our climate love, its people sharing about solutions out there that companies and organisations actually do in climate action that is happening. And this is just one example about ammunition that is by the Hon. This is a huge problem. And there's a company in Portugal that has sold this have a product for it. So instead of having led in the in the animals that are shot, and also wasting around and then in nature, you get biodegradable donation factor. So here is all about your winning science based targets. Here's some climate ID to Swedish finance company, Fossil Free finance company, about how they could communicate about the climate crisis. And as you can see here, all those businesses are actually answering and the way our platform works is that we work together with our partners. It's everything from global cooperation, startups, etc. And they are using our platform to communicate the progress what to do. And they want the feedback from the users on how they what they do good and what they can improve on ideas that stakeholders can suggest. So for instance, works and it builds their work inside their own organisation because it amplifies their reach inside and out. Yes, so they are inviting their employees to participate in this global stakeholder dialogue for the climate. Everyone needs to be involved and we are creating a lot of engagement for this. That is also spread throughout others. Social media. So people are sharing the content on our platform and and amplifying that on other social media, you actually reach over 25 million people every month from 25 million people. So this is all over the world. Can anybody become a partner, you could give reviews to all companies, even all the companies have has engaged in the in the dialogue on the platform, and we encourage that. But in order to unlock your profile, and use our platform in an active way, not just answering the grievances you got, or what have you, or a profile, communicate with our whole or a whole community. And then you also get our certification that you're all open for climate dialogue, you need to become a partner. And that's just a subscription service between 100 euro per month, up to 1000 euro per month, it's a little bit dependent on your size of your organisation joining and that we are inviting everyone to join, if they have an honest intention to do climate action. But we have one criteria, and that is you can't have majority of your revenues from from fossil, you need to stop that before you can honestly say that you have an owner's attention to solve the climate crisis. But this is important. We're not inviting all the companies that that are perfect. There, it doesn't exist. We're inviting the ones that have ambition to do more, and our community are helping them to succeed with that in a friendly, productive, constructive ways. This is a total different social network platform compared to our other platform actually works. Well, this is fantastic working more. And please tell us what's what's what's your What are your plans forward from this position that you're at now? Yes, I can tell a little bit about the plans forward. So what we are today, we are a social network platform, that combining the technology of a social network, similar to Twitter and LinkedIn, with a rating platform similar to three, Budweiser or trustpilot, etc. And what we are developing now, and I'm going to show you how is the revenue ranking system where you can source for different kinds of companies within the same same sector, etc. And you can compare the climate action. So companies that have managed climate love will get better score compared to companies that have many climate warnings. And we're also going to gather a lot of other sustainability data like emission data, like, what are they doing? Have they joined some coalition like the science based target initiative, etc, you will find all that data on our platform, and we will make it free and available for everyone. This kind of platform exists today. But you need to buy the information. If you'd like an investor, you can get access to those kinds of information, we will make it publicly available for everyone, because this concerns everyone. So then you need then you're going to choose your next employer, you can choose between someone that are doing good climate action, as a business or someone that are doing bad climate action. I know what you're going to choose. Absolutely. And I also for instance, as a customer, if you want to go out and purchase something, you can also go out and check out the companies. How are they doing in terms of the climate reviews from from the peers? We don't have time? They're not doing good enough? Are they open for Shane's aren't transparent enough about the progress because no one is perfect. We need to remember that. It's It's It's a moving forward. That is the of essence. And we are also doing broadcasts that I'm very honoured and happy to be hosting and we have some exciting stuff going on this year. Can you please tell us about those? Yes, we are going to host free launch climate action summits first one on the Earth Day. The next one will be on on climate week in September. And the last one this year, we'll be on the cop 26 climate meeting. And we're going to invite all stakeholders like businesses, climate activists, and also leading board leaders are going into user states to talk about what they do not just plaid shirts, but what they do here and now regarding climate action. So please sign up on our platform and we will invite you to our global broadcast as well. Last year, we had actually over 12 million viewers in total for all our broadcast that we did. I was pretty amazing. So Amory, sit down with me again, please. Yes. And I know about your passion where it came from but a term in terms of climate action, but maybe not all the viewers do. So How did you start this? Why did you start this platform? And where does your passion for climate action come from? I'm I'm been an entrepreneur my whole life. And what I was doing previous we don't have time was actually I was running a consulting firm in finance. We had customers like BlackRock, like Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, etc, we will helping them communicate to the, to the Nordic investor market. So I was not into the environmental climate field or anything like that. I think some sooner or later in in life, you'll wake up and see divorce differently. And for me, it was a moment when I got my first child, my daughter that is eight years old today. I started to, to look in the future in a much longer time tutorial under such read about the climate. And I was really shocked. Because, of course, I was aware about the climate change and everything. But it was like everyone else. It's something that is happening in, in distant future. But as soon as I started read about the climate, I understood that this is happening here. And now. And it's not about a distant future is not even about our children's life. It's about our life. And what shocked me was that people were just not aware about to this, or leaders, we're kind of afraid of scaring people. So even people that really knows the stuff, they were like, toning it down, because they wanted to not scare people away. I mean, the term climate crisis, that was not something you hear people talk about four or five years ago, this is talking about change. Yeah, exactly. Now we have this climate rate and climate crisis, extinction threat, everyone is saying that, but the background it wasn't. So that was the starting point. But lots of us really do point over from, from getting bored to want to do something about it was actually when Donald Trump became president, and won the US election four years ago. In that moment, for me, it became so clear that our board leaders will not act on this problem. Donald Trump was not the only one he was used to force on speaking out the truth. Actually, he was honest, he was telling people that he didn't give a shit about the future. Someone else leaders of pretending the car, but they don't actually. So that was the starting point. I wanted to use my no lift my skill to do something. And I was starting to figure out what what was needed. And what I see is needed is that we need global change in a really fast way. And what has achieved that previously, is the tech companies on internet, the social networks, they have changed the world for better, and for worse, but they have changed the world in just 1015 years. And we only have 10 years in order to half the water emission. So So can we use the power of social media in order to speed up change? Yes, we can absolutely believe that. Or not someone doing it? No. Okay, let's do it. That was the idea that was born the day after Donald Trump won the US election. And I think for you, there's three days later, I came up with this name on a possible gap. And I searched for it and no one was using the term we don't have time. Now, many people are using it. There we go. It's very impressive work. And indeed, Ingmar ended. None of this could have happened if he didn't have partners of esting. You mentioned before this series is all about partners and supporters. So we don't have time. Let's check in when some of the partners and what are the partners to kiss Dan Miller host from good wings to see what he has to say about why he works with we don't have time. We don't have time. It's just a fantastic platform. We did a small webinar together a couple of months ago about the future of travel, and how we can turn it more green. I had anticipated 100, maybe 150 viewers, we have 16,000 nice, they have created a platform where it's based on science, and people are not shouting at each other. I mean, yes, you can vote up and down. But you've created a platform that is, you know, outstanding compared to the platforms that we're used to using where there's so much fake news and bias. So keep up the good work, guys. Thank you, Christian Ingmar. Next episode, we'll be interviewing Fabrice grinda. He is the one number one angel investor in the world and I'm really looking forward to this. So do you have any final words People out there, in terms of what they can do. I will say that what we don't have time is all about, we're a tech platform. But what we are really all about is problem. And that, that is that we believe in in togetherness. If we're going to solve the climate, where we are going to solve the climate crisis, when we work together, we must work together. And that is all about what we don't have time is about. We don't call our or paying clients like corporations and organisations for customers, we call them partners. Because this is a two way thing, we need to help each other. And our investors are not investing in us, they are helping us. We are helping them. And we want to invite everyone in this global partnership, and we need to cooperate in order to solve this. I see so much cooperation out there, cooperation, not cooperation out there. And that's the future. And everyone must and can be involved in this. So what I will say, if you want to do something for the climate, find something you can do together with others. And you will find a lot of joy in that you will also find a lot of resilience of climate scientists. You will, you will actually stay mentally healthy in the ward that is breaking down when you work together with others. So please join the we don't have platform to work and connect with like minded people with different backgrounds from all over the board and is enormous power to do that. That Will Smith recommendation. Well, thank you very much Ingmar Rentzhog. And stay tuned for the next episode out soon with that where we will have the interview with Fabrice grinda. Thank you very much. Thank you. Meet Fabrice grinda, is among the world's leading internet entrepreneurs and investors with over 600 angel investments and 175 exits. Fabrice has served as CEO for three multinational companies, and has an impressive track record as an early investor in Alibaba. flexport deliver hero betterment and bright room. Fabrice is currently running the startup studio and venture fund fJ labs, which he co founded with business partner Jose marine. Fabrice was named the number one angel investor in the world by Forbes