The Pinto Podcast


Chris & Nancy Pinto Season 1 Episode 13

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Throwing in our 2 cents on the topic of listening skills in the workplace.
We won't go on for too long, we promise.
Thanks for listening! 

Pinto Employment Search LLC - Logistics & Supply Chain Recruiters
Chris & Nancy Pinto, Owners

Nancy Pinto
Phone: 201-988-2293

Thank you for listening! Please subscribe, share and rate!
Chris Pinto
IG: @chrispeterpinto
Twitter: @chrispeterpinto

Music and Sound FX Credits:

Whether you asked for a job transition or not, searching for a new position can be scary, frustrating and disheartening.  Times and technologies change quickly, and there’s a lot to organize!  But the journey can just as easily be exciting, fruitful and rewarding.  I’m Chris Pinto. 

And I’m Nancy Pinto.  Together we own Pinto Employment Search, an executive recruiting firm specializing in the supply chain and logistics industry.  You can learn more about us at  Our combined experience in transportation jobs and recruiting is over 50 years!  We’re here to help you navigate the world of resume writing, job applications, interviews, negotiating compensation, and everything in between - to help you land the job you want!  

We will also regularly drop a bonus episode where we announce current job openings we’re working on.  It’s set to music and state trivia, and we think it’s more fun to listen to job descriptions than read them, so give it a listen and share!  

Welcome to the Job Search SOS Podcast!  

And now, before we begin, a moment of silence.


CHRIS:  How difficult was that?  Did you wanna talk and fill the silence?  Did your mind start racing?  Were you self-conscious?      

NANCY’S RESPONSE and What about you?


So.  I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve only recently realized that the letters in the word “listen” can be rearranged to spell “silent.”  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, and I want EVERYONE to know that. 

Listening has been written about ad-nauseum.   And we realize the irony in recording a podcast about listening (we won’t talk too long, I promise!). 

But it is one of those topics that’s applicable in the professional as well as personal arena.  Healthy communication skills are always in demand.   

Good listeners are often abused.  We all know someone who has an amazing ability to prattle on, single-handedly - and seamlessly - transitioning from one topic to another without taking a breath.   Before you know it, the subject has changed ten times and you have no idea what to say when it’s finally your turn to speak.  IF you get a chance to speak.  The one comment you wanted to interject passed by 4 or 5 topics ago, and is therefore no longer relevant.  

You can always say, “Back to what you said before…” if you feel like it, but that could be awkward, or maybe the moment has passed, or the perpetrator just slaps your shoulder and walks away! 

This can be frustrating for the listener who feels their energy depleting as their partner goes on and on and on… They absorb everything coming at them without having a chance to share something themselves - without being LISTENED to.   

I’ll be honest.  Whenever I find myself in this scenario, there usually comes a point where I shift from engaged listener to bored prisoner.  It’s not that I wasn’t interested, or that I need to do all the talking - I’m usually the quietest person in any group.  I love to hear people’s stories and learn from them.  It’s just that one-way conversations are exhausting, and if my partner didn’t ask any questions, or worse, frequently interrupted my attempts to contribute, I may leave feeling like my thoughts didn’t matter. 

Quick disclaimer:  we’re not talking here about situations where people are in distress, have a problem, or need to vent.  We’re talking about regular, day-to-day interactions and relationship dynamics. 

Also, it’s beyond our pay grade and brainpower to examine the root causes of endless chitchat, so we will stick to basic, tried-and-true etiquette.  

In the workplace, this behavior is annoying and demoralizing.   Someone who drones on and on, either in a meeting or in a one-on-one situation, may be viewed as an insecure time-waster at best, a self-indulgent narcissist at worst. 

We realize this is hard if the person talking “at” you is a higher-up.  This may be one of those “suck it up” moments.  In that case, I like to imagine myself in a lab coat, playing amateur  psychologist, observing the behavior of my subject in a detached and emotionless manner.  Just make sure you tune in enough to pick up any important information you actually need!  

And listen for a natural opportunity to interject and say something like, “Thanks!  I appreciate the intel.  I’m gonna head back to my desk now.  Mr. Johnson is asking for the status of his shipment!”  Only if you can, of course!  You may need to wait until THEY end the conversation.  Unless Mr. Johnson’s shipment is on fire. Then tell your captor that there’s an urgent situation and maybe we can continue this conversation later.  I’m sure they wouldn’t object, since a client and revenue are on the line!

On the flip side, if you tend to talk a lot, know that that’s not necessarily a bad thing.  Sharing is important in forming bonds and helping others.  It makes the quieter among us more comfortable knowing we won’t feel the pressure to do all the talking.  It makes gatherings more balanced and colorful.  

That being said, mindfulness and self-awareness are very important here, regardless of your position.  Bosses don’t want to get trapped either.  You need to pay attention to how LONG you’ve been talking, if you’ve paused to let the other person process and respond, and if the listener’s body language is screaming “how do I get away?”  

Managers should not only impart their knowledge, but ask team members for their opinions and ideas in return.  It’s simple.  Someone who is listened to respectfully will be happier and more open to making contributions for the benefit of all.  It’s a win-win (ugh, sorry for the cliché).  

In summary:  

Everyone should have - and use - their voices, eyes and/or ears! 

Don’t torture people with long-winded pointless sentences.  Ask some questions, let them share in return.   

Don’t abuse good listeners.  

Conversations should be two-way.  If you walked away without knowing a damn thing about the person you were with, it was a bad conversation. 

And last but not least, don’t be afraid to ask questions, share, interject.  Your voice is as important as anyone else’s.  I struggle because I’m a pretty nice person (I think!) and the quintessential introvert.  You don’t have to be a dick about it.  Trust me, it gets easier the more you do it, and the older you get.  But I digress!

Before we leave you, did you know that Chicago's nickname "The Windy City" comes not from the weather, but from the nickname given to long-winded politicians during an 1893 exhibition?  Some things never change!

 On the next episode of the Job Search SOS Podcast, we have no idea what we’ll talk about yet...stay tuned!

 We’ll also drop a bonus episode announcing the hottest logistics jobs we’re working on.  Our website and contact info will be in the show notes of every episode, so please feel free to share with anyone you know, and reach out with comments, questions, or just to say hello!

NANCY:  Thank you for listening to the Job Search SOS Podcast!  

Please visit and feel free to reach out to us.  See you next time! 

Pinto Employment Search LLC - Logistics & Supply Chain Recruiters
Chris & Nancy Pinto, Owners