Time to Listen

Ideas and Policy in Indigenous Affairs - with Noel Pearson

May 03, 2021 Cape York Partnership Season 1 Episode 3

"We've constructed a policy reform agenda for our own children. The people who [our policy agenda] concerns are our own relatives ... the people who we love in the world.
"That's one of the strengths of the Cape York Institute; it's an institute that is driven for our people."

In this episode of Time to Listen, we are joined by Noel Pearson, whose voice is widely recognised and sought after in Indigenous Affairs.
Noel has founded many organisations focused on the empowerment of Indigenous Australians, notably the Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership (CYI). We use our time with him to discuss his initial aspirations for CYI, and the role it plays in modern Australian society.
Noel also addresses the topic of consultation with Indigenous communities, and why this value is paramount for CYI's operations.
We conclude this discussion by opening the space to Noel's policy opinion on a national Jobs Guarantee, and why he believes this to be the priority solution to the socioeconomic woes that have tormented Cape York for generations.
In Noel's answers, he elucidates upon the modern history of Cape York and uses this to outline why he believes the entrenchment of passive welfare reliance to be such a destructive function within First Nations communities.

Thank you for taking the Time to Listen.

Episode host and producer: Isaac McCarthy


To find out more about CYI, visit the website: Cape York Institute - Cape York Partnership

To read more about Noel Pearson's thoughts on a national Jobs Guarantee, read his op-ed in the Australian: The case for a government jobs guarantee (theaustralian.com.au)

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