Agora RISE
Agora RISE
Episode 4 - Malta (Christian Peregin)
Welcome to AGORA RISE your place for international exchange and conversations on freedom and democracy!
Today we are going to talk to Christian Peregin from Malta.
First he has gained experience as a professional journalist and PR Manager. Then he founded "Lovin' Malta" - one of the most popular media platforms in his country. His company has literately skyrocketed since its beginning 5 years ago.
This is due to the fact that it is successfully recognized and utilized the power of online media at an early stage. His career took him on a really unforeseen journey in an European country that is continuely struggling with political propaganda, complicated networks of public and private media outlet as well as corruption scandals.
Main topics covered in this episode:
- Corruption, Deadly Assaults, the Panama Papers and Public Propaganda - the Story of Media in Malta
- An example how disruptive technology and entrepeneurship can change the world to better
- Opportunities and Threats of new media
Chapter Overview:
0:00 - Intro
1:18 - State of affairs of media and politics in Malta
7:24 - The unique media-landscape in Malta
11:38 - A story of success - why and how "Lovin' Malta" started
18:40 - Considering social media as an oppurtunity
22:45 - Party vs Person - how social media were misused by politics
29:28 - Political influence in Malta's media today - About TV-Stations and social media
44:26 - Going for change - is there danger for journalists in Malta today?
50:21 - What you can learn from Malta - good practices