The Introvert, Dear Podcast

Episode #12: Introvert Self-Care: Take Care of Yourself (without Feeling Bad About It)

September 25, 2018 Jenn Granneman and Bo Miller

In our hundred-mile-an-hour world, it’s easy to feel burned out. From the moment we wake up, we’re flooded with notifications, beeps, and updates. We have more information at our fingertips than any past generation could’ve imagined thanks to the internet, social media, and other technological advances. And there’re are more decisions for us to make more quickly than ever before. On top of it all, culture tells us that our success, identity, and value is wrapped up in what we accomplish and achieve, so we’re driven to do, do, do.

It’s against that backdrop that we’ll be exploring why self-care is so important for introverts. While all the noise might be exciting to thrill- and stimulation-seeking extroverts, it’s often more-than-overwhelming to introverts who need alone time to think and recharge. So today we’ll be tackling the topic of self-care for introverts head on with thought leader Barrie Davenport.

Barrie is a certified coach, founder of the top-ranked personal growth blog Live Bold and Bloom, and author of over 25 self-improvements books on topics including introversion, highly sensitive people, self-confidence, relationship skills, habits, and mindfulness. She is dedicated to helping people find practical, science-backed strategies for self-improvement in all areas of their lives. She’s also the author of Self-Care For Introverts: 17 Soothing Rituals For Peace In A Hectic World.

And there’s still time to sign up for Melissa Renzi’s Guatemala retreat, but there’s only one spot left! (It can be single or double occupancy.) The 10-day trip is designed specifically for introverts and HSPs and explores the magnificent natural beauty and rich culture of the country.

You can save $50 on the cost of your trip by visiting and entering the coupon code INTRODEAR50. Melissa still has openings for her trip to Guatemala in January and her trip to Peru in April.