The Introvert, Dear Podcast

Episode #20: The Benefits of Being an Introvert

January 15, 2019 Jenn Granneman and Bo Miller

Modern society celebrates the strengths and virtues of extroversion. It’s no surprise: Extroverts are masters of tooting their own horn. While the outward-focus extroverts bring to life is helpful at many times and in many ways, the one-sided praise only tells half the story. Too many people still need to discover the wonderful benefits of introversion. A quiet, inward focus is just as important and valuable as its counterpart.  

On today’s show, we’ll try to level the playing field and shed more light on why introversion is just as valuable and advantageous as extroversion. Tune in to learn a few significant benefits of being an introvert

The Introvert, Dear Store
Looking for awesome introvert gear? Check out the new Introvert, Dear store and find funny and inspirational t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, and much more! Click here to browse the selection. 

Other Resources
Want to find out what your personality type is? We suggest you check out Personality Hacker’s assessment. Click here to take it!