Employer of Choice - Your organization is antiracist, right? A conversation with Lindsey T. H. Jackson - Co-Founder Sojourn

Brian & Charlotte Hughes Season 2

What does it mean to be an employer of choice TODAY? 

One that continues to transform and evolve. An Employer with goals to create and sustain a positive work environment, build an outstanding brand, with a welcoming, inclusive, and productive culture.   

Employers of Choice today, commit to supporting equity in the workplace. While companies declared their position in 2020 to support racial equity, current focus now wanes.  

I often find in my work that company leaders and employees are reluctant to talk about racial inequality in the workplace, because they fear saying the wrong thing. But these conversations are critical and can’t be ignored, with a goal of positive inclusive culture.  An Employer of Choice, rises to the occasion to learn and unlearn what is needed to address inequity.   

I had a wonderful conversation with my distinguished guest and friend Lindsey T.H. Jackson, CEO at LTHJ Global and North American based leader.

She is a trailblazer, a pioneer, and ambassador of disruption. She invites everyone to her “learn and unlearn” discussions about the issue of race and becoming an anti-racist organization.

Join our conversation about overcoming fears, acknowledging tough questions, seizing growth opportunities,  and the courage to evolve, to be a Employer of Choice –that believes in racial equity and knows that it is a journey that continuous seeks to  improve.

In this episode Lindsey  &  I discussed 

  • Why people are uncomfortable with conversations about race and racism  
  • What it means to be anti-racist
  • The continuum of Multiculturalism vs sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, classism
  • Innovation to build structures and systems supporting anti-racism  
  • What leaders need to do to disrupt anti-blackness
  • Intent vs Impact - learning and unlearning with and from each other
  • Isabel Wilkerson's book Caste
  • Language and the power of words
  • Next generation imagines a new future 

You may already know that Lindsey is known as 'America's DEI Teacher,'  a Researcher, Facilitator, and Speaker.  She is also Co-Founder of Sojourn, a software platform to bring DEI to small and midsize organizations. 
Sojourn DEI is a revolutionary platform with the step-by-step plans, tools and guidance made for those leading a small or midsize organization's DEI Journey.
Sojourn takes you from overthinking DEI, to moving on it.

Lindsey reminds us, DEI work is a journey of humility, forgiveness, courage and a discipline of daily practice do no harm.

Race is a construct - Privilege (when you don't have to think about the experience of being excluded), Equality, Equity, and Justice are united.

She Tells it like it is...with history lessons and today's context and terminology.

Take time to Reflect, Renew and Explore  this episode and learn what you can do to support Employers of Choice TODAY that sustain racial equity and a culture of anti-racism.  The work.... never ends...

It begins with you....

To learn more check out about 

Creating Workplace Cultures of Belonging....