Episode 6 - Neurodiversity Driving Innovation from Unexpected Places with Hiren Shukla Ernst and Young - EY

Brian & Charlotte Hughes

If you’re interested in workplace diversity and inclusion, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about neurodiversity lately. But what exactly is neurodiversity, and how can hiring neurodiverse employees benefit your organization? Neurodiversity is an aspect of diversity that enhances the workplace in numerous ways.

To drive sustainable growth in the 21st century, businesses need to continually innovate and identify new sources of talent. Leading companies are finding that people on the autism spectrum and other neurodivergent people can spur innovation and often have the very skills they’re looking for. Companies are also discovering new benefits for their brands, customer relationships, employee engagement, and more.

Despite this fact, fewer than one in six autistic adults is in full-time employment. Only 32% are in some kind of paid work. More than three-quarters (77%) who are unemployed say they want to work.

Possibly no company in the world is doing a better job at attracting neurodivergent talent to drive innovation than Ernst & Young, EY. Our guest Hiren Shukla, Automation & Innovation/Neuro-Diverse Center of Excellence Leader at EY, is one of the world’s foremost experts on our topic.

Hiren is an inclusive leader driving innovation across emerging digital technologies and unlocking talent as the founder of EYs Neuro-Diverse Centers of Excellence.

He also appeared on CBS 60 Minutes in July featuring EY initiatives for the second year in a row. Partners in this talent innovation include Proctor and Gamble, Wells Fargo, and others. 

Join us! to learn about:

  • The EY NCoE Pilot in 2016 and expansion to seven and growing
  • The impact on innovation by neurodivergent talent and on corporate culture
  • Hiren’s recommendations to companies considering neurodiversity initiatives

 Check out our blogs and e-guide on Neurodiversity.   

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