Episode 11 - Why Your DEI Strategy Should Include Disability with Royal Caribbean Ron Pettit & JPMorgan Chase Jim Sinocchi

October 09, 2021 Brian & Charlotte Hughes

After a year where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) became a hot topic in the workplace, advocates for workers with disabilities express cautious optimism about the nation’s movement toward a more inclusive workplace. There has been progress, they say, but disabled workers—many of whom have no outward sign of disability—can still feel overlooked or undervalued by the companies they work for.

Part of the problem, advocates say, is that “disability” covers such a wide range of conditions, many of them not apparent to people who may be co-workers or managers. And workers who start a career free of disabilities may acquire one or more as they grow older.

Discussions in the media are a testament to how the dial has shifted when it comes to conversations around disability inclusion in business, we are not there yet, but change is happening. However, there must be a concerted effort to drive progress forward at a greater pace – only 3% of articles on diversity and inclusion in 2020 referenced disability.

The American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability:IN are responsible for establishing the annual Disability Equality Index® (DEI®) Best Places to Work.™  Two leading companies that regularly appear on the Best Places To Work for Persons with Disabilities are JP Morgan Chase and Royal Caribbean Group.

Our distinguished guests are Jim Sinocchi, Head of Disability Inclusion for JPMorganChase and Ron Pettit, Director, Disability Inclusion & ADA Compliance Officer for Royal Caribbean Group share their experiences driving change  across industries throughout their careers with vision for a more inclusive world.

Why Your DEI Strategy Should Include Disability

For more Information about Building a Business Case for Disability Inclusion please see our e-guide in the Thought Leadership section and Disability Essentials in the Training section of our site.

Creating Workplace Cultures of Belonging....