Episode 14 - Transforming the Recruiting and Hiring Process by Mitigating Inherent Biases

January 23, 2022 Brian & Charlotte Hughes Episode 14

Speak up? Take a stand –even if it’s unpopular?  Our special guest did just that and you’ll find his story inspiring.  Fighting for what’s right is in his DNA. His ‘wakeup call’ to innovate became apparent as an entrepreneur in 2020.  His solution is making waves in the technology sector and recruiting field by enabling better recruiting and hiring decisions for inclusive workplaces to thrive.

Research has found that 75% of all resumes submitted through Applicant Tracking Systems are never even seen by human eyes. Jobseekers using Rhett’s software application platform will be able to apply for positions with peace of mind, knowing their profiles are being seen by people and they are being considered for their talent rather than the kind of personal characteristics that often lead to non-diverse, non-inclusive workplaces that often lead to non-diverse, non-inclusive workplaces. 

Rhett Lindsey is the founder and CEO of Siimee (pronounced see me), a social impact company whose mission is to reduce bias in hiring and transform the way employers connect with job seekers. Prior to launching Siimee, Rhett spent over seven years leading and collaborating with teams at prominent companies including Facebook, Tinder, Microsoft, and The Walt Disney Company, sourcing and hiring talent in the technology and software development sectors. 

Founded on the premise that diversity and inclusion can support a company’s bottom line, Siimee believes that a fair, unbiased hiring process is the starting point to a healthy, equitable workplace. 

Lindsey’s story and experiences in recruiting have been nationally featured in media outlets including The Washington Post, CNBC, and CBS News This Morning.

This episode  will explore his  life experiences and how his discovery and focus on systemic change has led to a new approach to recruiting. 

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