HealthCare Boulevard

HCB™| Herbalist & Educator

November 03, 2022 Senan Kakpo-Moore Season 2 Episode 23

Dr. Harrell-Sims is a professor, researcher, a practicing clinical herbalist, holistic life coach and is the owner of J. Harrell-Sims, Holistic Health Practitioner, LLC. She received her PhD in Human Services, with a specialization on African American Family Studies and Intervention Strategies. In 2010, Dr. Harrell-Sims was granted a distinguished Fulbright Fellowship to the University of Dar es Salaam, in Tanzania, East Africa. As a lifelong community advocate, Dr. Sims is a clinical herbalist and drugless practitioner, who answered the call holistically as a response to the inequities in health care for her community. She has been a professor at various colleges and is currently in private practice. She has a YouTube channel, drjholistichealth.

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