Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

49 Coaching Client Spotlight: Eugenia C. South, MD MS

Kemi Doll

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Dr. Eugenia C. South is an Assistant Professor at Penn Medicine, Faculty Director of the Urban Health Lab, and Vice Chair for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the Department of Emergency Medicine. Her work focuses on dismantling structural racism through research and action. She is also an alumnae of our (one-time only!) Reclaim Retreat and the Get That Grant coaching program. 

Take a listen to hear some real behind the scenes of her coaching journey: 

  • What it felt like to be in a deficit mindset and feel shame while externally looking successful 
  • The significance of completing an audit on her projects and supporters led to owning her value
  • How stepping out in courage and giving BACK a funded grant empowered her to focus on the opportunities more aligned with her purpose
  • The actual process of using a coaching tool that resulted in an Op-Ed and a multi-million dollar grant
  • What changed that caused her to go from publishing 1 paper in a year to 12 papers in a year and now having an overflow of grant funds to support her mission 

If you loved this convo, please go find Gina on Twitter (@Eugenia_South) and show her some love!