Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

54 Coaching Client Spotlight: Jin Kim-Mozeleski, PhD

Kemi Doll

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Dr. Jin Kim-Mozeleski is an Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve University in the School of Medicine in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Her work examines social determinants of health behaviors and health behavior change and she applies that to the study of tobacco use and tobacco-related health disparity.  She is also an alumnae of our Get That Grant coaching program.  

Take a listen to hear some real behind the scenes of her coaching journey:  

  • How she overcame anxiety that manifested as indecisiveness 
  • The mindset shift she implemented  that up-leveled her productivity precision 
  • How the balance of inner work with the external factors transformed her experience 
  • What has helped her to muster up the courage to do things that don't come naturally to her 


If you loved this convo, please go find Jin on Twitter (@JinKimMoz) and show her some love!