Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

61 Coaching Client Spotlight: Melisa Wong, MD, MAS

Kemi Doll

You can text us here with any comments, questions, or thoughts!

Dr. Melisa Wong is a thoracic medical oncologist and geriatric oncology clinician-investigator at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Melisa’s research aims to transform cancer care for older adults—to help patients clarify their goals and values in the face of uncertainty and support oncologists to keep these truths at the core of the care they provide.  

Melisa directs the UCSF Older Adult Cancer Care Program and co-chairs the Cancer and Aging Research Group Health Services Research Core. She is the PI of a National Institute on Aging (NIA) Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award in Aging (K76). Prior research funding includes an NIA R03, American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award, UCSF KL2, and UCSF Pepper Center Advanced Scholars Award. She is also an alumnae of our Get That Grant coaching program and an ongoing coaching client! 

Listen in as we discuss her coaching journey and: 

  • Having a pandemic baby with no childcare  – and surviving
  • Maxing out on what she could achieve to avoid burnout on her own (she did a lot!) – and then turning to coaching 
  • How learning how to make decisions in a new way removed the fear of screwing up
  • The counterintuitive process of using planning and goal setting and structure to ADD more flexibility to her day

If you loved this convo, please go find Melisa on Twitter (@melisawongmd) and show her some love!