Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

65 Reacting vs. Responding In 3 Steps

Kemi Doll

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When unpleasant things happen, especially interpersonally, a part of us righteously stands up in defense of ourselves. We need to uphold our boundaries and yet the fog of anger can also lead to less than ideal decisions. 

So if popping off is not the answer, how do you get out of a space of reacting and into responding? 

In this episode, I'll walk you through three steps I take to be unapologetic about my boundaries while not buying more pain in the future. 

Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? To submit your Listener Letter, send an email to with your question, and let’s go!

🎧 🎙65 Reacting vs. Responding in 3 Steps. Check out this week’s episode of Your Unapologetic Career today!