Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

89 Coaching Client Spotlight: Michelle Ogunwole, MD, PhD

Kemi Doll

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Dr.  Michelle Ogunwole is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She is a health disparities researcher, social epidemiologist, and General Internal Medicine physician additionally boarded in obesity medicine and lifestyle medicine.  

Dr. Ogunwole’s research focuses on racial disparities in maternal health among African American women with a specific interest in African American women's experience within the healthcare system and barriers to follow-up  after pregnancy. Her clinical work focuses on managing chronic disease in the preconception and postpartum period, particularly for women with medically complicated pregnancies that confer elevated future cardiovascular risk. Her quality improvement efforts center around transitions of care from obstetrics to primary care for historically marginalized populations who experience medically complicated pregnancies. She is also an alumna of our Get That Grant coaching program! 

Listen in as we discuss her coaching journey and:  

  • How coaching has given her clarity and motivation regarding the next best move in her career after checking “all the boxes” and feeling stuck 
  • The tools that have empowered her to work through moments of overwhelm  
  • The shifts that she has experienced in her thoughts around handling things outside of your control 
  • The value of curating a space where you can openly celebrate your wins and work through challenges in community with like-minded people 
  • How to slow down from chasing gold stars and dig deep to understand what you want and need so you can get back to a place where you feel peaceful and excited about your career again 

  If you loved this convo, please go find Dr. Ogunwole on Twitter and IG @drchellmd and show her some love!