Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

91 Reclaiming Your Sense of SELF In Your Career

Kemi Doll

You can text us here with any comments, questions, or thoughts!

As women of color in academic medicine, public health, and allied fields, we simultaneously have the following qualities: 1) a desire to serve the greater good and 2) a strong interest in tangible productivity. Because of this, it's common to feel like we lose ourselves in our work.

The reason for this is that the academic culture is effective at taking what's already there - our desire to serve and our desire to have tangible productivity - and exploit them in the absence of anything else.

In this episode, Kemi shares how academic culture hijacks our sense of SELF and how we can reclaim our sense of SELF in our careers.

Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? To submit your Listener Letter, send an email to with your question, and let’s go!

🎧 🎙90 Reclaiming Your Sense of SELF in Your Career. Check out this week’s episode of Your Unapologetic Career today!