Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

102 Normalizing Transition From Clinical Work

March 28, 2023 Kemi Doll

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Despite the fact that it's normal to grow and change over the course of our lives and careers, the culture of academic medicine is not built in ANY WAY to reflect this.

We spend at least 7 years going from medical school to training to faculty and all the way through it’s reinforced over and over that once we make the transition to faculty, that's it - the last transition.

The norm and the expectation is that we're going to stay in clinical medicine and love it until the day we retire.

If that’s you? Great! AND - for those of you who feel like there is something wrong with you because you are ready to do less clinical work, this episode is for you.

Listen in as Kemi shares insights on how she went through this process and opens up the conversation as to why transitioning from clinical work should be normalized.

If you'd like to learn more foundational career navigation concepts for women of color in academic medicine and public health, sign up for our KD Coaching Foundations Series: