Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

104 How Hypervigilance Can Ruin Your Career

April 11, 2023 Kemi Doll

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Being “First Only Different” doing the kind of work that we do comes with a needed level of hypervigilance. It’s necessary so that we can be sure that we are not experiencing what otherwise would be a default: lower quality support, pay, space, etc.  

However, the longer we do that, the easier it bleeds into places it doesn’t belong.

If we're constantly having to keep tabs and make sure that we are being supported or we're getting paid appropriately, part of our routine habits includes paying too much attention to what everybody else is doing with their careers. This is a problem!

Listen in as Kemi explains why this is a problem and how hypervigilance is actively ruining your progress toward a sane career.

If you'd like to learn more foundational career navigation concepts for women of color in academic medicine and public health, sign up for our KD Coaching Foundations Series:

Episode References:
New England Journal of Medicine Article: Structural Solutions for the Rarest of the Rare — Underrepresented-Minority Faculty in Medical Subspecialties