Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

108 The Financial ROI From Career Coaching

Kemi Doll

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There is a part of academic culture that says we do this all for the greater good therefore, if we're too focused on finances and money, then somehow, we are not pure to the calling.

Don't fall for the okey-doke of the academic culture y’all. Don't fall for it.

Understand that the steps that you take to improve yourself as a faculty member, to improve your own relationship with work, and to improve how you work, can have tangible and direct financial returns for you.

In this episode, Kemi is going to explicitly outline this link and talk about the financial return on investment of academic career development coaching.

If you'd like to learn more foundational career navigation concepts for women of color in academic medicine and public health, sign up for our KD Coaching Foundations Series: