Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

110 Learning In Public - Again.

May 23, 2023 Kemi Doll

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So many faculty have worked so hard for so long, created so much benefit, and poured into mentees, yet they don't get to experience the actual enjoyment of their career.

This may have been your experience, or you’ve witnessed it with a colleague. Listen, we can have better. There is more available. 

 In this episode, Kemi shares that when you want better balance and don’t see immediate improvement, this quickly turns into no longer believing that what we truly desire in our career is really possible. There is an underlying reason why we aren't seeing the kind of progress we want to see in our career expansion – and it has to do with your learning style!

Tune in as she reveals the internal problem that results in stagnation when searching for work-life balance and how to dig ourselves out of that place.

If you'd like to learn more foundational career navigation concepts for women of color in academic medicine and public health, sign up for our KD Coaching Foundations Series: