Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

00 Welcome to the Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

Kemi Doll

You can text us here with any comments, questions, or thoughts!

Here is the truth I realized: There is no one responsible for creating the career I want but me. 

 Hi, I'm Kemi! I have a biomedical engineering degree from Duke University, went to Columbia P&S for med school, and on to Chicago for OBGYN residency training, UNC for gynecologic oncology fellowship, and a post-doctoral research fellowship in Health Policy and Management. I secured 3 independent grants as a fellow, and another 5 in my first 3 years on faculty. I study race, gender, cancer, and health in the US. My love languages are French fries, motivational quotes, and calling out B.S., in that order.

 After years of schooling and training, we can be so accustomed to delegating our futures that we forget to switch gears once we start as faculty. I know I did. A course correction was critical and the main ingredient to my success - fully funded research doing the work I love, a balanced life with my spouse and 2 littles, and a true sense of meaning and nourishment from my career.
I coach because all of this is attainable for ALL of us.
 Though mindset work, career organization, and deliberate strategy.
 No more settling, no more burnout.
 I am so grateful to have this platform to remind us of our own values and empower us to pursue fulfilling and nurturing careers. Join me weekly as I guide you on the journey to transform your academic life so that you can channel your ideas, passions, and skills into a successful and nourishing career.  In each episode, I’ll be taking a deep dive into one CORE growth strategy so you can gain confidence and effectiveness in pursuing the dream career in academic medicine that you worked so hard to achieve. Tune in for an always authentic, sometimes a little raw, but unapologetically empowering word. Learn more at

Let's do this!

Come find me on twitter, IG or facebook @kemidoll. Interested in coaching? Hit up my DMs or check out for more info!