Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

10 My Primary Advice for Coaching: Process Over Personality

Kemi Doll

You can text us here with any comments, questions, or thoughts!

Most of what goes into deciding to embark on coaching and then finding the ‘right’ coach for your needs is internal. At some point, you decide that the status quo is no longer going to cut it, and you are ready for growth and development without institutional conflict of interest. That alone is a major step. Then, that’s when I start getting all of the questions in my DMs. How should I choose a coach? How do I know this is the right decision? Again, mostly internal but I do have one major piece of advice. It comes from my own experience with (not so great and absolutely stellar) coaching and it boils down to this: Personality vs. Process. 

 In this week’s episode, I go in on the difference between the two, and why you should be much more invested in one over the other. Now go get some coaching!