Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

15 Coaching Client Spotlight: Shekinah Elmore MD, MPH

Kemi Doll

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Dr. Shekinah Elmore is a radiation oncologist, essayist, public speaker, and clinician-researcher who is dedicated to improving multidisciplinary care for Black patients with cancer, especially in a global context. She is also an alumnus of my Get That Grant coaching program and an ongoing amazing coaching client.  

Take a listen to hear some real behind the scenes of her coaching journey: 

  • Why, when she first reached out for coaching, I turned her down 
  • Finding certainty in building an innovative career without a clear roadmap ahead 
  • The powerful shift she experienced in her very first coaching session 
  • Calmly writing, submitting, and getting a grant in the midst of a hurricane and other ‘small’ inconveniences 
  • Being a ‘not a group person’ in a group coaching program 

If you loved this convo, please go find Shekinah on Twitter (@pre_rad) and show her some love!