Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

21 Career Advice Audit (Part 2)

August 24, 2021 Kemi Doll

You can text us here with any comments, questions, or thoughts!

If you are serious about creating the career of your dreams, you probably know that getting advice is critical. The problem is what to do with it! How to judge whether the advice is good or bad, helpful or not, is a hazy maze without a framework. The truth is that ensuring you are following the right career advice requires an internal clarity that most folks are avoiding. No more!  

This is a big topic and I’m covering it over 2 episodes. In Part 2 this week, we cover how to consider the CONTENT of career advice, and how to define if it’s valuable, and the key question that should filter your decision to move forward. This is a must-listen! Check out Episode 21 of Your Unapologetic Career today!