Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

24 From Career Chandeliering To Informed Believers

September 14, 2021 Kemi Doll

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This is one of those HOW episodes. Specifically, the How of leveling up your support for your unapologetic career. Many of us are surrounded by wonderful cheerleaders and expert advisors and yet we lack the most crucial element of support – the one that matters the *most* when your back is against the wall with frustration, challenge, or exhaustion in your career. That support is not generic – it’s specific. It’s not ‘tough love’, either. This is curated support that comes from one category of people – Informed Believers.  

This week, I go through the signs that you may be lacking true Informed Believers in your circle (it’s beyond the group chat, girl), exactly what the criteria is for Informed Believers, and – the best part – how you can find these unicorns in your midst *right now.*  If you are ready to shore up your dream team of support and leave behind the life of the lonely achiever forever – take a listen to this week’s Your Unapologetic Career podcast today!