Your Unapologetic Career Podcast

32 Coaching Client Spotlight: Marjory Charlot MD, MPH, MSc

Kemi Doll

You can text us here with any comments, questions, or thoughts!

Dr. Marjory Charlot is an Assistant Professor, thoracic medical oncologist, and health equity researcher at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Her work centers on the experience and outcomes of Black patients with cancer in order to intervene and eliminate racial disparities in cancer outcomes. She is also an alumnae of the Get That Grant coaching program and an ongoing amazing coaching client. 

Take a listen to hear some real behind the scenes of her coaching journey: 

  • Having a great new job, a start-up package, the needed research training and still being a ‘hot mess’  
  • What is sounded like to have all of the “WHATs” but none of the “HOWs” 
  • The powerful question that changed how she makes decisions on all new opportunities  
  • Breaking free of email running her career life 
  • Creating her blueprint to execute her day to day and her long-term goals with clarity 
  • Unabashed #squadgoals bragging on her fierce coaching community ;)  

If you loved this convo, please go find Marjory on Twitter (@MarjoryCharlot) and show her some love!