The Bible Mind Podcast: Experiencing our Life and Times from a Christian Perspective

Revelation 8: Jesus as Ruler over the kings of the Earth: My King is Bigger than your king! (1:5)

April 02, 2022 Theophilus
Revelation 8: Jesus as Ruler over the kings of the Earth: My King is Bigger than your king! (1:5)
The Bible Mind Podcast: Experiencing our Life and Times from a Christian Perspective
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The Bible Mind Podcast: Experiencing our Life and Times from a Christian Perspective
Revelation 8: Jesus as Ruler over the kings of the Earth: My King is Bigger than your king! (1:5)
Apr 02, 2022

Today, I share on one of the most threatening truths for many of the leaders of the world:  Jesus, THE KING, will someday come back to rule and reign on the Earth.

We've been studying the names of Jesus Christ, given by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle John.  These names of His are meant to strengthen us and prepare us for the End Times. 

First, I break down Proverbs 18:10 to extract the most meaning I can from it for this study:  "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it, and is safe." 

I found some eye-opening interpretations coming out of this verse to help us both for today and far into the future.  We can take refuge in the names of Jesus! 

Then, I start my journey into the last name of Jesus in Revelation 1:5:  "ruler over the kings of the Earth."   

As the leaders of the Earth continue to reveal themselves more as dictators, who pass oppressive laws and systemically strip away our freedoms, this name of Jesus grows increasingly more important as the Day approaches.   

It'll help you to put your focus on the One who is "far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.  (Ephesians 1:21)

Listen to find out more!


1.   Have you ever had a time where you experienced the protection of God's name or a Bible verse that you memorized, leaned upon, and declared in the moment of your need?  Reflect on that situation and thank God for the power of His name. 

What issues are you facing today?  Find a name of God/Jesus and/or a verse that can protect you through times of temptation, weakness, stress, fear, or anxiety.   

2.  Per our discussion in this podcast episode about the "name of the Lord being a strong tower: "   

How has your perspective changed or been lifted above your anxieties and troubles by focusing on a name of the Lord? 

Have you had a situation where you were able to share a testimony, or have a platform to share something about God, because you "ran into one of His name's for refuge?"  What happened and what message did you share about God from your experience?

3.   Why is it important to know, understand, and receive the three faces of Jesus (Bridegroom, King, and Judge) upon His return?  Consider the person being fed an image of Jesus as ONLY the "God of love," according to the world's definition, which involves being tolerant of all people.  How might that person react to Jesus being the king and judge of the whole world?

Consider how one day you may be able to share a more complete picture of Jesus to the people who lack this knowledge. 

4.  What steps will you take to get to know Jesus in all of His three faces:  Bridegroom, King, and Judge?  Pray to ask Him for this revelation and understanding.   


1.  Slowly review and meditate upon what was shared in this podcast.   
2.  Subscribe and share this podcast with others who may be interested.
3.  Look the up the Scripture passages that were shared in this episode one by one.  Do your own personal study of them and meditate upon them.
4.  Read, study, and meditate on Psalm 2 in regards to the inevitable conflict between the kings of the Earth and Jesus Christ.
5.  Look up verses regarding Jesus' three end-time faces:  Bridegroom, King, and Judge.

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Show Notes

Today, I share on one of the most threatening truths for many of the leaders of the world:  Jesus, THE KING, will someday come back to rule and reign on the Earth.

We've been studying the names of Jesus Christ, given by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle John.  These names of His are meant to strengthen us and prepare us for the End Times. 

First, I break down Proverbs 18:10 to extract the most meaning I can from it for this study:  "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it, and is safe." 

I found some eye-opening interpretations coming out of this verse to help us both for today and far into the future.  We can take refuge in the names of Jesus! 

Then, I start my journey into the last name of Jesus in Revelation 1:5:  "ruler over the kings of the Earth."   

As the leaders of the Earth continue to reveal themselves more as dictators, who pass oppressive laws and systemically strip away our freedoms, this name of Jesus grows increasingly more important as the Day approaches.   

It'll help you to put your focus on the One who is "far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.  (Ephesians 1:21)

Listen to find out more!


1.   Have you ever had a time where you experienced the protection of God's name or a Bible verse that you memorized, leaned upon, and declared in the moment of your need?  Reflect on that situation and thank God for the power of His name. 

What issues are you facing today?  Find a name of God/Jesus and/or a verse that can protect you through times of temptation, weakness, stress, fear, or anxiety.   

2.  Per our discussion in this podcast episode about the "name of the Lord being a strong tower: "   

How has your perspective changed or been lifted above your anxieties and troubles by focusing on a name of the Lord? 

Have you had a situation where you were able to share a testimony, or have a platform to share something about God, because you "ran into one of His name's for refuge?"  What happened and what message did you share about God from your experience?

3.   Why is it important to know, understand, and receive the three faces of Jesus (Bridegroom, King, and Judge) upon His return?  Consider the person being fed an image of Jesus as ONLY the "God of love," according to the world's definition, which involves being tolerant of all people.  How might that person react to Jesus being the king and judge of the whole world?

Consider how one day you may be able to share a more complete picture of Jesus to the people who lack this knowledge. 

4.  What steps will you take to get to know Jesus in all of His three faces:  Bridegroom, King, and Judge?  Pray to ask Him for this revelation and understanding.   


1.  Slowly review and meditate upon what was shared in this podcast.   
2.  Subscribe and share this podcast with others who may be interested.
3.  Look the up the Scripture passages that were shared in this episode one by one.  Do your own personal study of them and meditate upon them.
4.  Read, study, and meditate on Psalm 2 in regards to the inevitable conflict between the kings of the Earth and Jesus Christ.
5.  Look up verses regarding Jesus' three end-time faces:  Bridegroom, King, and Judge.

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