The Bible Mind Podcast: Experiencing our Life and Times from a Christian Perspective

Revelation 24: Jesus, You Shine Brighter than the Sun! (1:16)

August 06, 2022 Theophilus
Revelation 24: Jesus, You Shine Brighter than the Sun! (1:16)
The Bible Mind Podcast: Experiencing our Life and Times from a Christian Perspective
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The Bible Mind Podcast: Experiencing our Life and Times from a Christian Perspective
Revelation 24: Jesus, You Shine Brighter than the Sun! (1:16)
Aug 06, 2022

Today we talk about what it means for Jesus to have a countenance that shines like the sun in its strength.  Believe it or not, God has already laid out "stepping stones" of revelation of what this  means in the Old Testament.  We will explore some of these verses/passages in order to flesh out this multi-level revelation, and how it relates to our lives!

In this episode, we continue to see how the Holy Spirit, Who wrote the Scriptures through human vessels, can connect dots for us in order to give us layers of revelation we may have never expected. 

Listen to the podcast to learn more!


1.  In your relationship with God the Father, how have you mostly seen His countenance towards you?  In other words, when God the Father looks at you, what do you see in His face?  (Happiness?  Delight?  Anger?  Upset?  Disappointment?  Sadness?  Pity?  Exasperation?  Etc.)   Why do you think this is so?  Where did you pick up on this idea of God's attitude towards you? 

Reflect on your perception of how God views you.  What does it say about you?  What does it say about God?

2.  We discussed how God is mostly happy and delighted when He sees you.  If your perception of God from question 1 is different from this, then how will you correct your perception of God?  What verses and passages can you meditate upon to renew the spirit of your mind? 

Consider how you can both receive and give a revelation of God's pleasure and delight in His sons and daughters in your interaction with others!  Moreover, His love for mankind in general. 

3.  We talked about the Numbers 6 Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) as a corollary passage to Revelation 1:16.  It's powerful!  Why do you think this passage was so important to God?  Important to the people of God? 

How can having a revelation of the Numbers 6 Blessing change your life?

If you've had issues with your perception of how God views you, how can meditating upon and praying the Numbers 6 Blessing over yourself and others help you? 


1.  Slowly review and meditate upon what was shared in this podcast episode.   
2.  Subscribe and share this podcast with others who may be interested.
3.  Gather and meditate upon the verses/passages that illustrate the way your Father feels about you, and the delight He has on His face when He looks upon you.  Pray into those verses/passages, especially the Numbers 6 Blessing!
4.  If you haven't listened to the previous podcast episodes mentioned in today's episode, take some time to go back and listen to them. 
5.  Start preparing for the days ahead:  spiritually, mentally, physically, domestically, relationally, etc.

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Show Notes

Today we talk about what it means for Jesus to have a countenance that shines like the sun in its strength.  Believe it or not, God has already laid out "stepping stones" of revelation of what this  means in the Old Testament.  We will explore some of these verses/passages in order to flesh out this multi-level revelation, and how it relates to our lives!

In this episode, we continue to see how the Holy Spirit, Who wrote the Scriptures through human vessels, can connect dots for us in order to give us layers of revelation we may have never expected. 

Listen to the podcast to learn more!


1.  In your relationship with God the Father, how have you mostly seen His countenance towards you?  In other words, when God the Father looks at you, what do you see in His face?  (Happiness?  Delight?  Anger?  Upset?  Disappointment?  Sadness?  Pity?  Exasperation?  Etc.)   Why do you think this is so?  Where did you pick up on this idea of God's attitude towards you? 

Reflect on your perception of how God views you.  What does it say about you?  What does it say about God?

2.  We discussed how God is mostly happy and delighted when He sees you.  If your perception of God from question 1 is different from this, then how will you correct your perception of God?  What verses and passages can you meditate upon to renew the spirit of your mind? 

Consider how you can both receive and give a revelation of God's pleasure and delight in His sons and daughters in your interaction with others!  Moreover, His love for mankind in general. 

3.  We talked about the Numbers 6 Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) as a corollary passage to Revelation 1:16.  It's powerful!  Why do you think this passage was so important to God?  Important to the people of God? 

How can having a revelation of the Numbers 6 Blessing change your life?

If you've had issues with your perception of how God views you, how can meditating upon and praying the Numbers 6 Blessing over yourself and others help you? 


1.  Slowly review and meditate upon what was shared in this podcast episode.   
2.  Subscribe and share this podcast with others who may be interested.
3.  Gather and meditate upon the verses/passages that illustrate the way your Father feels about you, and the delight He has on His face when He looks upon you.  Pray into those verses/passages, especially the Numbers 6 Blessing!
4.  If you haven't listened to the previous podcast episodes mentioned in today's episode, take some time to go back and listen to them. 
5.  Start preparing for the days ahead:  spiritually, mentally, physically, domestically, relationally, etc.

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Blog at
Podcast at