The Art of Digitalisation
Welcome to The Art of Digitalisation, a podcast brought to you by one of the most digital countries on earth, e-Estonia. Directly from the heart of the e-Estonia secret headquarters. Or briefing centre as we actually call it. In every episode, we bring you digitalisation experts from across the globe, sharing their expertise and advice on how they transformed businesses, governments, and more, using innovation through technology. Whether you’re taking your first steps on your own digitalisation journey, want captivating insights from renowned experts, or love some Estonian straight-faced humour, this is the podcast for you.
The Art of Digitalisation
S2E9 Merit Valdsalu, Founder and CEO of Single.Earth on sustainability
Sustainability, tokens, and the well-being of nature and the world were some of the topics Carmen Raal and Erika Piirmets touched upon with their guest Merit Valdsalu, founder and CEO of Single.Earth. A company with a mission to transform how we approach consumption and how to integrate nature protection into the economy.