For Yoga Teachers

23. Define who you are as a yoga teacher

July 08, 2022 Season 1 Episode 23
For Yoga Teachers
23. Define who you are as a yoga teacher
Show Notes

Have you ever been to a yoga class, and the sequence was so great, that you left the class thinking, I would love to be known for my sequencing. Then, you listen to a podcast about yoga philosophy, and you think, I should really weave more philosophy in to my classes, that's definitely where I should be putting my focus. Then you're chatting to someone, and they tell you how they went to the most amazing yin class, and left feeling like they were walking on air, and you thought, I really want to be the best yin yoga teacher! 

Does that sound familiar?! Yeah, us too! 

There are so many yoga teachers around these days - and for the record we think that's a good thing, more yoga teachers is more people to share the joys and benefits of yoga! But it does mean, for want of a better word, more competition. The best, or maybe, the only way to differentiate yourself from the masses is to be yourself. To know who you are, who you want to teach. To have this defined, so it's crystal clear to you how to talk about your classes, workshops and courses. Who you aim your offerings at. What trainings to do, to deepen you knowledge, and what to leave to one side. 

This podcast episode is designed to help you define who you are as a yoga teacher. So grab your free workbook from and get ready to define who you are as a yoga teacher. This is a huge, and very very important step in your teaching career, it's exciting! 

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Training for yoga teachers

Yoga Mythology & the Deeper Significance of the Āsanas May 24
Traditional Hatha Yoga & Prānāyām May 24
Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25


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