For Yoga Teachers

25. Do I need a yoga brand?

August 05, 2022 Season 1 Episode 25
For Yoga Teachers
25. Do I need a yoga brand?
Show Notes

This episode is the answer to the question: Do I need a yoga brand? 

Does this sound familiar?: You start practising yoga initially for a reason; to de-desk, to rehabilitate an injury, to feel calmer. You were so blown away by how much yoga improves your life, you have a calling to share that with others. You enroll on a yoga teacher training, and it quite simply changes your life. Now you're even more motivated than ever to share yoga with others!

So now you.... what?

Contact studios to see if there's any openings. Look around your local area to rent somewhere to start your own classes. Start teaching online. People come to your classes, but not loads of people, and you would like to reach more people.... but HOW?! So you start to do some research; maybe with some yoga business blogs, or this podcast, or by talking to your fellow yoga teachers and they say, have you got a website? Have you done any advertising on instagram? Have you thought about flyering or starting an enewsletter or working with this person or that company, and then, you're stuck!! Bah!! This all sounds like running a business rather than sharing yoga. Plus, you just don't know where to start. 

If that sounds familiar, it's because it is familiar, because it happens a lot!!! Don't worry, we're here to help. Over the next few episodes, we're taking the guesswork out of where to place your valuable resources of time, energy and mental bandwidth and helping you to decide where to focus, who to work with and what to prioritise. 

And we're starting with the bazillion dollar question - do i need a yoga brand?

Check out our show notes for this episode here

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Training for yoga teachers

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Traditional Hatha Yoga & Prānāyām May 24
Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25


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