For Yoga Teachers

37. Yoga Nidra: The art of sleeping to wake up

February 09, 2024 Yoga Hero
For Yoga Teachers
37. Yoga Nidra: The art of sleeping to wake up
Show Notes

This episode is about the power of Yoga Nidra. 

We’ll start off with an introduction to Yoga Nidra, before looking at Yoga Nidra’s relationship to yoga philosophy. We’ll then dive in to the understanding Yoga Nidra’s impact on the brain wave states, and we’ll finish with a summary of the benefits in the context of everything that we’ve just learned.

Yoga Nidra is such an underrated, powerful, impactful practice. Yoga Nidra, “yogic sleep” is a powerful practice that guides participants into a state of deep relaxation while maintaining a state of heightened awareness. Through systematic and guided meditation, Yoga Nidra leads practitioners into the realm between wakefulness and sleep, allowing them to access a vast reservoir of inner knowledge and healing potential.

Yoga Nidra is well known for being a guided relaxation; the Queen of all repose, a nap, even a substitute for sleep itself. And it *is* all of those things. 

The thing is; it’s all of those things and much, much more. 

As yoga teachers, it’s likely that we’ll attract people to the practice of Yoga Nidra through expounding on the benefit of rest and relaxation, and as such, that’s where much of our focus will lie. 

However, as yoga teachers it is important that we understand and embody the knowledge that Yoga Nidra is a secret door to liberation.


Yoga Nidra with Yoga Wisdom Training

Unveil the depths of yoga through the transformative power of Yoga Nidra with Yoga Wisdom.

This comprehensive training is designed for passionate yoga teachers who seek to deepen their understanding of Yoga Nidra, the art of conscious deep sleep, and explore the rich teachings of ancient yogic wisdom.

Take a look here

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Training for yoga teachers

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Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
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Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25


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