The Story of Sandra Lagace

Nienke van Bezooijen Season 1 Episode 5

I am Sandra Lagace, I am 58 years old, living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, with Cor.
I am energetic, living based on a positive mindset. My drive is to improve myself and others, inspire others and be inspired. It gives me energy to let people experience when they make that step forward their life becomes easier, happier, more fulfilling… I easily connect with people, listen to all they say and especially what they do not say. Besides that: I am a veggie and I usually buy more books than I can read. I love; running, body pump, dogs, cats, coconut, marzipan, dancing, acting crazy, drinking wine with my best female friends, laughing out loud…. I just love life!
Sandra wrote a blog about this podcast, you can find the English version here.
You can find more about Sandra at