Entrepreneurs of Edmonton

Samdesk: Pivoting to Success

Matthew Donnelly & Chad Banman Season 1 Episode 27

#027: Samdesk CEO and COO James Neufeld and Ashlyn Bernier join the Entrepreneurs of Edmonton podcast.

James shares his journey of being true to himself and receiving a $50,000 investment from a boss he just quit to start his own business.

Have you ever felt that your product or service was worth so much that when you told the client what you thought it was worth, they simply laughed you out of the room? James does!

Ashlyn, BSc, PhD, MBA, joined Samdesk from a career in science and academics, with her background proving invaluable in the world of startups.

James and Ashlyn share their thoughts on pivoting your business, how to ask better hiring questions, and not being afraid to roll up the sleeves and work for what you believe in.

Startups in Edmonton are a hot topic, but it might not be the place for YOU! Find out why.

Join James and Ashlyn and the Entrepreneurs of Edmonton by pressing 'Play'

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Entrepreneurs of Edmonton
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James Neufeld
Twitter: @jamesaneufeld
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesaneufeld/

Ashlyn Bernier
Twitter: @AshlynBernier
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashlyn-bernier-bb839328/

Twitter: @samdeskofficial
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/samdesk/
Website: https://www.samdesk.io/