Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

El sistema climático I.

November 24, 2022 Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 2 Episode 43
Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI
El sistema climático I.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Este es el episodio No 43 y el decimoquinto de la segunda temporada de nuestro podcast en la que me refiero a lo que considero han sido dos grandes fraudes científicos: la declaración del DDT como un producto altamente tóxico y de gran peligrosidad para el ser humano, que llevó a la prohibición de su uso, y las manifestaciones de la existencia de un cambio climático peligroso, causado por el ser humano. 

El material presentado aquí es el producto de una investigación del tema que realicé durante 5 años y que tengo consignado en mi libro: Los dos grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI.

En este episodio comienzo a referirme a los denominados "factores climáticos" que contribuyen a la variabilidad climática de una manera mucho mayor que el CO2.

El contenido central de lo presentado en este episodio se encuentra debidamente referenciado en mi libro: Los dos grandes fraudes científicos de los Siglos XX y XXI. A continuación presento algunas citas adicionales.

Lo presentado actualmente y lo que presentaré en el futuro, pueden encontrarlo de manera más detallada en mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico, o como ebook haciendo clic en uno de los enlaces anteriores, según sea el caso.

Los invito a suscribirse a mi sitio web donde podrán acceder a nuestro podcast y a mucha otra información de interés. Este lo pueden encontrar también en los directorios de Apple podcast; de spotify y todos los mayores directorios de podcasts. 

Pueden enviar sus comentarios y observaciones  a través de mi sitio web, así como a mi correo electrónico 

Presentation and introduction   0:00

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. Despite the fact that I have several updates pending on the scars left by the management of COVID, I decided in this space to briefly refer to this celebration because of its great significance.

This date marks the reminder of a historical event in which that group of people who came from the old world, seeking, among other things, religious freedom, paused in their great tribulations that they suffered in their new home, and together with native settlers. of this land, in a beautiful act of solidarity, they thank God for life and hope and share the fruits given by the Creator.

God gave us this world to grow and multiply and endowed it with numerous goods for our usufruct, conservation and improvement of our lives.

Among what he provided us, in addition to food, are natural resources, among which are natural gas, fossil fuels, etc., which have contributed to improving our quality of life and have allowed us to advance in the continuation of the work of creation.

But a tiny group of powerful people want to prohibit us from using these goods, for the sake of their own economic benefit, pretending to go over the will of our creator. But this is only going to create hunger and restlessness in our world, especially among the poorest.

Today, in addition to wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, I ask you to reflect on the latter. 

Hello, welcome to episode No. 42 of our GREATEST SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS podcast, and the fourteenth of our second season. I am your host, Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel.

In the last 5 episodes I have mentioned the role of CO2 in the climate, its benefits for vital functions and the false perception that has been created around this gas, that it is extremely dangerous. Today I begin to address the so-called "climate drivers" that contribute to climate variability in a much larger way than CO2. But first, I'll do a quick recap on CO2. 

Summing up facts about CO2     3:14

The review of what was presented in the aforementioned episodes, which I invite you to review, has led me to summarize the main conclusions:

The increase in temperature in the last 100 years can be attributed, to a large extent, to natural phenomena.

This questions the IPCC paradigm of warming caused by human-generated CO2 emissions.

The effects of CO2 have been overestimated by at least a factor of 2.

The temperature response to CO2 concentrations is much less than advertised. Remember that this is what is called "climate sensitivity".

The molecular structure of CO2 causes it to absorb little heat, therefore it contributes less to the greenhouse effect than all other gases.

There is a whole relationship between the sun, CO2, oxygen and organic materials, such as coal, natural gas, etc., establishing a vital process for the generation and conservation of all life, human and non-human. 

But I have not found anyone else, who, with such skill, simplicity and clarity, has referred to CO2, as Dr. Douglas Pollock has done in an interview with him: let's listen to a segment of this one. 


What is the "climate sustem"?     6:39

Well, starting the discussion about the "climate system, I want to start by saying that it is highly complex and consists of five main components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the earth's surface and the biosphere.

This system also includes the interactions between them. The climate system evolves over time under the influence of its own internal dynamics and due to external forces such as volcanic eruptions, solar variations, and human-induced factors such as the changing composition of the atmosphere and change in land use. the earth, as explained in the previous episode.

To illustrate this a bit, I refer you to what was presented by Dr. Patrick Michaels, before the

United States Congress where he cautioned that climate model analyzes can be highly dependent on the time period chosen.

He mentioned, for example, that climate analyzes carried out from the last 20 years obviously show an abnormally large warming trend, due to the enormous eruption of the Pinatubo volcano that occurred at the beginning of the record, in 1991, which It had a considerable and transitory impact on the climate.

The reports on the terrestrial temperature are then relative, which in the wrong hands, can be subject to manipulation.

I will explain all this in the next episodes. 

Conclusions and farewell     9:14

It is also important to know the concept of "climate variability".

Climate varies through time and space. So this goes beyond the individual variations we see in weather reports. That if there is going to rain, etc.

This variability to which I refer, and to which De. Michaels referred, may be due to variations in what is called external forcing, which can be natural or anthropogenic (external variability), or to natural internal processes within the system. climate (internal variability).

The variables of the climate system were not well understood at the time (and many still are not) which led, as climate science progressed, to a large number of adjustments that were also not very well understood and that they were, indeed, a constant source of bias due to the characteristics of these settings.

I referred to the latter, and to anthropogenic forcing, in the previous episode. About the natural internal variations, I will refer in the next episodes. 

What I present today and what I will present in the future is in more detail in my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE XX AND XXI CENTURIES. This can be purchased as a physical book, or as an ebook through my website where you can also find a lot of information of interest, and to which I invite you to subscribe.
Here you can also access our podcast. 


See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.

Presentación e introducción
Resumen sobre el CO2
¿Qué es el "sistema climático"?
Conclusiones y despedida