Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI

El sistema climático V.

December 20, 2022 Dr. Esteban Morales Van Kwartel Season 2 Episode 47
Grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI
El sistema climático V.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Este es el episodio No 47 y el decimonoveno de la segunda temporada de nuestro podcast en la que me refiero a lo que considero han sido dos grandes fraudes científicos: la declaración del DDT como un producto altamente tóxico y de gran peligrosidad para el ser humano, que llevó a la prohibición de su uso, y las manifestaciones de la existencia de un cambio climático peligroso, causado por el ser humano. 

El material presentado aquí es el producto de una investigación del tema que realicé durante 5 años y que tengo consignado en mi libro: Los dos grandes fraudes científicos de los siglos XX y XXI.

En este episodio presento evidencias de expertos que descartan la vinculación de los fenómeno de El Niño/La Niña, con calamidades climática. Además, que a diferencia de lo aseverado, estos fenómenos están vinculados más a períodos glaciares que de calentamiento.

El contenido central de lo presentado en este episodio se encuentra debidamente referenciado en mi libro: Los dos grandes fraudes científicos de los Siglos XX y XXI. A continuación presento algunas citas adicionales.

Lo presentado actualmente y lo que presentaré en el futuro, pueden encontrarlo de manera más detallada en mi libro: LOS DOS GRANDES FRAUDES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS SIGLOS XX y XXI. Este lo pueden adquirir como libro físico, o como ebook haciendo clic en uno de los enlaces anteriores, según sea el caso.

Los invito a suscribirse a mi sitio web donde podrán acceder a nuestro podcast y a mucha otra información de interés. Este lo pueden encontrar también en los directorios de Apple podcast; de spotify y todos los mayores directorios de podcasts. 

Pueden enviar sus comentarios y observaciones  a través de mi sitio web, así como a mi correo electrónico 

Presentation and introduction   0:00

As always, before getting into the topic of the episode, I update on the scars left by the handling of COVID. 

At the time when science was not yet distorted by drug sellers, there was Dr. William Farr, one of the world's masters of epidemiology and whose principles he has guided all epidemiologists. 

He explained the normal behavior of the epidemic curves of communicable diseases. These classically show a rapid increase in mortality in the affected countries, because as he explained, the most susceptible perished first. Then a gradual decrease in deaths, since there were already fewer susceptibles and immunity was being created. 

However, as I have been highlighting, this epidemiological behavior has not occurred, since what has been seen is an increase in excess mortality, which occurred after the intense inoculation campaigns against covid. I have also explained that the epidemiological analysis has been indicating that this has been seen more noticeable in the most vaccinated countries. 

A recent analysis of the European Community reiterates the existence of this excess mortality. 

Epidemiology has been and will continue to be an extremely useful tool for science. I am very clear that studies are needed that relate causes to effects, which are several, but the most effective, although most difficult, are randomized clinical trials. 

However, those who speak of following science have refused to accept the epidemiological evidence presented and to delve into cause-effect studies to explain this excess mortality. 

The same report mentioned, indicates that preliminary data suggest that this excess mortality seems to be decreasing. Simultaneously, there has also been a decrease in the application of this gene therapy, to the extent that the existence of severe adverse effects has become more notable. 

This could be further evidence of the relationship between inoculation and excess mortality. 

Meanwhile, until the necessary studies are done to explain this, the epidemiological evidence will continue to link it to the application of this gene therapy as one of the probable causes. 

Now let's continue with the topic of climate change.  

Hello, welcome to episode No. 47 of our GREATEST SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS podcast, and the nñneteenth of our second season. I am your host, Dr. Esteban Morales van Kwartel. 

In last week's episode I said that the IPCC tends to associate El Niño and La Niña phenomena with calamities. 

For example, the high global temperatures of the years 1977-1978 have been associated in the IPCC reports with the El Niño of those years, considered an extreme event and generated by an increase in atmospheric CO2. In addition, attempts have been made to link the La Niña phenomenon to major droughts in the Midwestern United States. In this episode I go on to analyze the evidence presented by experts that contradicts these assertions.

 El Niño/La Niña in nature     04:26 

According to Michaels and Balling, authors I quote at length in my book, the statistical association of these events with these major droughts is profoundly weak. 

The authors add that El Niño/La Niña phenomena are natural events whose existence had been known to a few climatologists and most sailors for many years, until, with the strong influence of the news media, in more years recent, these come to be linked to the climate and global warming. 

Dr. Michaels asked expert Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin what he thought of this relationship. It is worth mentioning that this query, in addition to being strange, is extremely interesting because Bryson is precisely one of the strongest proponents of the UN climate change paradigm, for which his response has enormous significance. 

This was that this is absolutely wrong because it has been shown that in the last 5,000 years there have been outbreaks of cold water along the Peruvian coast, interrupted by intervals known as El Niño. 

Bryson added that Before those 5,000 years, there was always warm water, so there was continuous El Niño during the ice ages, and cold water during the interglacials, that is, the warm ages. In other words, El Niño-like events with warm water along the coast go with glaciations, not with warming. 

Jim O'Brien of Florida State University, who has studied El Nino since before it became fashionable, said El Nino has been around forever, as shown by studies of corals going back more than a thousand years. Therefore, it has nothing to do with global warming or anything like that. 

As he himself stated, he felt compelled to speak about this because there had been meetings at that time, I'm talking about in the year 1978, in the United States Congress where there was talk of the biggest El Niño phenomenon ever seen, and that it is due to global warming, when he, who has studied this phenomenon all his life, has scientific evidence of much larger El Niño phenomena that occurred thousands of years ago. 

 A perfect ordering     07:31

Finally, scientific evidence has been presented indicating that in reality both phenomena have a regulatory function of the terrestrial temperature. 

For example, studies have been presented that show that the presence of these phenomena reduces the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic. 

As we can see from what has been presented so far, these events are far from being chaotic phenomena that produce calamities. These phenomena, as I explained in the previous episode, are what have sustained the inhabitants of the surrounding coasts economically and with food. These events, therefore, show rather a natural ordering that produces life and well-being. 

If there is something very concrete and sure that we can take from the study of these events, it is that these are not unusual events, but that they occur frecuently; although not with the daily nature of the clouds, for example, but frecuently. 

And more importantly, they reveal the wonderful presence of God who, in his immense wisdom, has created a perfect ordering of our world. 

Conclusions and farewell     09:03

As a conclusion to the episode, I can say that despite the suggestion by some researchers that global warming will make El Niño events more frequent or severe, in reality, the findings in geological records indicate that El Niño may, in fact, be more common during colder periods. 

As a final conclusion of the last 5 episodes I can say the following: 

The climate system is extremely complex, which makes the prediction of future climatic events practically impossible. 

There is what is called the Earth's energy budget. This describes the balance between the radiant energy that reaches Earth from the sun and the energy that flows from Earth into space. 

About 30% of the incoming energy from the sun is reflected back into space, by clouds, atmospheric molecules, small suspended particles called aerosols, and Earth's snow and ice land surfaces. 

The Earth system also emits radiant thermal energy into space. 

All this means that the greenhouse effect is offset by various climatic factors. 

As you can see, God has created various climate regulation-compensation mechanisms. 

What I present today and what I will present in the future is in more detail in my book: THE TWO GREAT SCIENTIFIC FRAUDS OF THE XX AND XXI CENTURIES. This can be purchased as a physical book, or as an ebook through my website, where you can also find a lot of information of interest, and to which I invite you to subscribe.

Here you can also access our podcast. 


See you soon and thank you for honoring us with your attention.

Presentación e introducción
El Niño/La Niña en la naturaleza
El ordenamiento perfecto
Conclusiones y despedida