The Next Chapter
Writing, editing, and publishing tips for future authors. Are you new to writing or perhaps you want to embellish your revisions...Join us weekly for insights, interviews, and ways to master your craft. Gloria Coppola, Bestselling author, award-winning international educator, story development coach, retreat leader, and visionary enjoys supporting and collaborating with entrepreneurs on their writing journey.
The Next Chapter
The Next Chapter 33 - The Author Series - Dr. Katrina Esau on Infidelity
Gloria Coppola
Season 1
Episode 33
Dr. Esau shares her story and experience with other women in a real, raw, and relatable way to bring hope, encouragement, and healing to them whether they are entering in, in the midst of, or they walked away from a season of trauma in their marriage. Her desire is that women walk out of the healing process so they can be ready for their next. While her hope is, they would experience the level of restoration she has, more than that, she
wants the women to be free of all unforgiveness and hurt.
Get your copy of The Pain of Infidelity Births Purpose and The Blueprint to Becoming Whole!
Host: Gloria Coppola, best selling author & story development editing coach