28: A Call to Action

1. Justice Murray Sinclair & Dr. Lorna Fadden

Amanda Season 1 Episode 1

In this episode we ask former Senator Sinclair why all law students need education on Indigenous and Aboriginal law, why he went to law school, about his former colleague, retired Senator Lynn Beyak, and much more. Dr. Lorna Fadden deals with the myth that "Indigenous people LOVE working on reconciliation for free" and Leslie Anne St. Amour responds to some of the Sh*t Law Students Say.

This podcast deals with a lot of difficult topics. Here are some resources for @UTLaw Students:
Emergency Services: 911
UofT Community Safety Office: 416-978-1485 

Manager, Indigenous Initiatives: Amanda Carling  amanda.carling@utoronto.ca
Manager, Student Mental Health & Wellness: Law Students can access resources and connect to supports by contacting, Terry Gardiner terry.gardiner@utoronto.ca
Mental Health Counseling: Book an appointment with the law school’s mental health counselor Charlie Williams by calling 416-978-8030 (select 5) and identifying yourself as a law student

My Student Support Program https://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/hwc/myssp
Good to Talk (student distress line): 1-866-925-5454
Toronto Distress Centre: 416-408-HELP (4357)
Gerstein Centre: 416-929-5200 

For folks outside our community, please find your local resources. 

Being on the land is an important part of learning in many Indigenous communities. For each episode of 28, we will encourage a walk and a place you can sit and listen.

For episode 1, we encourage listeners in the GTA to stroll the boardwalk between Woodbine and Balmy Beach in the east end of TO. You can end your walk at the Silver Birch Dog Park and make a few new friends. The ice and snow are gone and, fingers crossed, the 2021 Winter Stations will be constructed soon! For folks who can't or don't want to walk, there are great benches all along the boardwalk. When the weather warms up a bit, we LOVE sitting in front of the RC Harris Water Treatment Plant.

This first episode of 28 is dedicated to Meruba Sivaselvachandran. Meruba was a second year law student in the combined J.D./M.B.A. program at the University of Toronto and worked tirelessly to fight for equality and justice for everyone. Read more about her legacy and contribute to the causes she cared about here: https://ca.gofundme.com/f/help-continue-merubas-legacy

We are grateful to our episode 1 guests, Justice Murray Sinclair and Doctor Lorna Fadden, to
Jordan Jamieson, Tyrell King, Mark Green and Cathie Jamieson for Biindegen and to the ILSA students and alumni who contributed to this episode: Tomas Jirosek, River Sommerhalder, Conlin Delbaere-Sawchuk, Daniel Diamond, Leslie-Anne St. Amour and Editor/Producer Flint Patterson. Thanks also to our settler allies Morgan Torstensen and Bernard Carling for feigning the voice of ignorance for educational purposes. Finally miigwetch to the late Jay Bell Redbird for his painting, A Meeting Place for All Our Relations, and to Adam Kouri for assistance with the artwork for 28.