The Voice of Oregon's Workers

Activism on Marquam Hill

Oregon AFL-CIO Season 1 Episode 16

On this month’s episode we talk to the leaders of AFSCME Local 328.  Local 328’s nearly 7,000 members make the Oregon Health and Sciences University run and they have just declared impasse in bargaining for the first time in over 20 years. Learn about how Local 328 is organizing and fighting for a fair contract, and how their struggle is part of a wave of activism and collective action that is sweeping Oregon and the country.


  • Matt Hilton, President, AFSCME Local 328 
  • Michael Stewart, Vice President, AFSCME Local 328


  • Introduction by Tom Chamberlain, President, Oregon AFL-CIO 
  • Hosted by Graham Trainor, Chief of Staff, Oregon AFL-CIO
  • Produced by Russell Sanders, Communications Director, Oregon AFL-CIO