The Voice of Oregon's Workers

The Frontlines

Oregon AFL-CIO Season 1 Episode 3

On the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s anti-worker decision in Janus v. AFSCME, we interview an organizer and a worker from Oregon AFSCME and the Solidarity Alliance of Social Services -the cutting edge of organizing campaigns that are building power for working people in the behavioral health and social services industry in Oregon.

Click here for information about United We Heal Oregon

Click here for information about the Solidarity Alliance Social Services


Andrea Lemoins, Oregon AFSCME Council 75 Organizer

Ana Diodati-DuBoulay, mental health care professional


Introduction from Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain

Hosted by Oregon AFL-CIO Chief of Staff Graham Trainor

Produced by Oregon AFL-CIO Communications Director Russell Sanders