The Voice of Oregon's Workers

Growing Oregon’s Union Movement: Interpreters & State Legislative Staff

Oregon AFL-CIO

Our latest podcast dives into two inspiring union organizing campaigns in Oregon:

The Oregon Interpreters in Action, who voted yes to join Oregon AFSCME and were recognized by the State of Oregon on April 23 and the staff of our own Oregon State Legislature who voted yes to join IBEW Local 89 a month later on May 28 and soon made national headlines as the first state legislative staff union in the country. 

These wins are part of a wave in our country:  Workers are gaining long overdue leverage from employers, union favorability remains at the top of a 50 year peak, and half of Americans would join a union if given the chance.  

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  • Emmerson Hamlin, Oregon Legislative Staff
  • Kien Truong, Oregon Legislative Staff
  • Nathan Soltz, Oregon Legislative Staff
  • And Tony Ruiz, Organizer for IBEW Local 89 
  • Ruth Erickson, State Interpreter 


  • Hosted by Russell Sanders, Oregon AFL-CIO Communications Director 
  • Intro by Graham Trainor, Oregon AFL-CIO President