The Benefits Connexion Podcast

Episode #14 - Specialty Pharmacy and Patient Access

Connex Health

Featuring Chris Dalseg, BSc.Phm, R.Ph., Vice President, Strategic Growth and Marketing, BioScript.

The world of specialty drug access is complex. In this podcast, Denise Balch from Connex Health speaks with Chris Dalseg, who will describe the role of specialty pharmacy in facilitating access to specialty drugs for patients. He will explain how specialty pharmacy fits into the larger drug access landscape, and the other stakeholders who touch patients in the private sector model of care.You will also learn more about the challenges to access and continuity of coverage that most of us who are not involved in the process rarely hear about, the impact of COVID-19 and his thoughts on the future direction of access to specialty medications.

Recorded February 17, 2021.

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