The Benefits Connexion Podcast
One-on-one discussions on emerging issues with industry leaders, hosted by Connex Health. Be sure to also check out the Simplify Prior Authorization podcast series.
The Benefits Connexion Podcast
BPHA Preview - Pharmaceuticals – Drug Discovery and Reimbursement
We're keen to share our new content with you in our Benefits and Private Healthcare Associate program launched October 1, 2021. Listen to an excerpt of Session 1, Module 4, Pharmaceuticals – Drug Discovery and Reimbursement with Joe Farago, Executive Director of Private Payers at Innovative Medicines Canada, on the complex landscape of drug discovery and market access and ideas on how to protect the value of private drug benefits for your clients.
Register for the program here or find out more about the program here before you register.
Registration includes 12 months access to our exclusive members-only library and Ask the Expert resource plus 3 free BPHA at Lunch sessions for extra CE credits.
After you attain your designation you can renew your membership to stay current with access to new sessions to earn extra credits and existing sessions as a refresher whenever you need them.
Find out more at connexhc.com/bpha.
My name is Denise Balch and I am here today with Joe Farago who's the executive director of private payers and investment with Innovative Medicines Canada. Joe is our presenter for Module Four of session one, where he'll be speaking about the pharmaceuticals discovery and reimbursement landscape. Joe, can you tell us a little bit about the program or about the session and what people can expect to take away?
Joe Farago:Sure, Denise. Yeah, we hope through the module that participants will walk away with a better understanding of the pharmaceutical industry in Canada, a knowledge of how new therapies are discovered, really from the start of a new molecule all the way to Health Canada approval, a better understanding of how new pharmaceuticals are evaluated for funding within the Canadian reimbursement system, as well as their approval process and an overall knowledge of how a drug costs compare in the Canadian market.
Denise Balch:Well, Joe, thank you for that and we look forward to your module. So that's module number four, session, one of the benefits and private healthcare associate program. Thanks very much, Joe, and look forward to seeing you around events in the future.
Joe Farago:Sounds good. Thank you.