Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 44

Tommy Peeler

This is the first of eleven national laments in the book of Psalms.

44:1-8 Israel's Glorious Past
The word save is used in vs. 3, 6, 7. They did not win the land of Canaan nor their great victories in the past by their own power but by God's.
The phrase "all day long" is going to be used in vs.  8, 15, 22.

44:9-16 Israel's Miserable Present
Nothing in vs. 1-8 prepared us for the dramatic shift in vs. 9-16.

44:17-22 Their Protest of Innocence
No other psalm make such claims of national fidelity like this one.
vs. 17-18 The people state their loyalty to God
vs. 19 They talk of the pain they experienced

44:23-26 Israel begs God to take action
This is a call for God to awake from His "Sleep" and act.

Jesus and Psalm 44
He saved us by His power- vs. 1-8; Eph. 2:1-10; II Tim. 1:9
He is our King- John 19:19-22
Any horrible experience of suffering Israel described in vs. 9-16 has some comparison to His experiences on the cross.
If any could ever protest their innocence like we see in vs. 17-22, it was Jesus.
Verses 23-26 remind us of Jesus sleeping on the boat in Mark 4:35-41.
Because Jesus was led as a "Sheep to the slaughter" Isaiah 53:7, through His death and resurrection we become conquerers- Romans 8:35-37.