Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 49

Tommy Peeler Season 2 Episode 49

This is a wisdom psalm. It focuses on teaching men more than it does on praising God. It uses the word "proverb" in vs. 4 that is found in the book of Proverbs. It has similarities to the book of Ecclesiastes. Compare Psalm 49:10 to Ecclesiastes 2:12-23 and Psalm 49:12 perishing like the beasts to Ecclesiastes 3:18-21.

49:1-4 A message for all to hear
This is directed to all and not exclusively to Israel. 

49:5-12 All will die and no man will redeem  his own life
Some boasted and trusted in their riches. The proper object of our hope and trust is God but many put their trust in the wrong place.
49:5, 16
Apparently the rich and their prosperity was a threat to those who read this psalm.
49:7, 7, 8, 15 The word redeem or redemption plays a key  role in the psalm. There is not enough money to redeem out life from the grave.
49:9 Notice the contrast between living eternally and not undergoing decay. 
49:10 All will die, wise and foolish alike.
49:12, 20 form a refrain

49:13-15 The contrast between the righteous and the wicked.
The wicked have death as their shepherd but the righteous will be redeemed by God from the power of Sheol.

49:16-20 The wicked die and carry nothing

Jesus and Psalm 49
1. Jesus is a profound wisdom teacher who speaks truth- Psalm 49:4
2. "But God" - Psalms 49:15; Ephesians 2:4
3. Jesus did not undergo decay- Psalm 49:9; 16:10- Acts 2:27-31; 13:33-37.
4. Jesus can redeem our souls- Psalm 48:7-8, 15