Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 73

Tommy Peeler

This opens book 3 of the Psalms.
The writer acknowledges that he almost lost his faith at the prosperity of the wicked.
73:1-14 The writer struggles to believe that God is good
73:2 But as for me- This phrase is actually a word in Hebrew that begins vs. 2, 22, 23, 28.
73:3 The Bible warns against being envious of the wicked- Ps. 37:1-2; Prov. 23:19
73:4-5 Their life seems care free and trouble free
73:8-9, 11 But they are defiant of God
73:6, 8 They mistreat others
73:13-14 What does it pay to serve God?

73:15-20 The Light breaks through as he turns to worship God
This is the turning point of Psalm 73 and some have described it as the turning point of the entire book.  
The wicked are not as secure as it might seem

73:21-28 He sees that he has a blessing that the wicked do not have. God Himself is the greatest blessing of all.
What blessing compares with God Himself??
Notice how the psalm ends much as it began- vs. 1.