Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 81

May 09, 2023 Tommy Peeler Season 3 Episode 81

In the podcast I mistakenly say that the New Moon was a weekly feast.  That is incorrect. The New Moon was a monthly feast- Numbers 28:11-15. It is alluded to in the OT in several places like I Sam. 20:5, 18, 24, 27; II Kings 4:23; Isaiah 1:13-14; Amos 8:5.

What does Psalm 81 teach us about God?
God is worthy of praise- 81:1-3
God rescued Israel out of Egypt- 81:6-7, 10
God asks that His people listen to Him- 81:8- and serve Him alone- 81:9
God longs for His people to do the right thing and to bless them- 81:8, 13-16.

Jesus fulfills Psalm 81
81:8, 11, 13
God's people must listen to Jesus- Matt. 17:5
81:8, 13
Jesus longs for us to be saved- Matt. 23:37-39; Luke 13:34-35
81:10, 16
Jesus is the ultimate bread who can satisfy our deepest hunger- John 6:35
These are just a few of the ideas from this Psalm.