Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 32

Tommy Peeler

This psalm describes  David's struggle with unconfessed sin and then the joys of forgiveness when he humbled himself before God.
1. The burden of sin- 32:3-5
His bones have wasted away and he is groaning- 32:3
His pain is perpetual- 32:3 "all day long" and 32:4 "Day and night"
The hand of the LORD is heavy against him- Ruth 1:13; I Sam. 5:6, 7, 9. The hand of the LORD that David looked to in 31:5, 15 is now pressing against him heavily. This is not God's fault but it is David.
His strength is dried up- 32:4
Are you carrying this heavy burden?

2. The blessings of forgiveness- 32:1-2
Three different terms for evil are used- transgression, sin, and iniquity
Three different terms for forgiveness are used- forgiven, covered, not imputed or not counted
Three different terms for confession are used- acknowledged, did not hide, confessed
God is more willing to forgiven than we are to confess- 32:5

3. The mood changes at 32:6 and he calls on all to learn the lesson from this.
pray to God in a day when He may be found- 32:6

Do not be like the horse who has to be beaten to be kept on the right path- 32:9
Contrast the wicked- 32:10- and the righteous- 32:11. The righteous rejoice at God's salvation.